

01. Lazuli Dahabiya

Dahabiya sailboats are specific to Egypt, built in the 19th century to enable Pashas and wealthy Egyptian merchants to easily travel around the country. Later on, they were used by adventurer travelers, archaeologists, writers (including Mark Twain) and artists who wanted to explore the Nile.

The  character of Lazuli: simplicity, luxury and comfort. Available as a private charter, they're capable of accommodating 10 to 12 passengers for exclusive use, which is great for families or groups of friends. Driven by two elegant sails, the Lazuli Dahabiya allows its passengers to discover the forgotten archaeological treasures built along the Nile and meet authentic local Egyptians on their home turf.

02. Specifications

Length overall 35.00 metres (114.82 ft)
Boat Width overall 06.00 metres (19.68 ft)
Beam overall (at hull)08.00 metres (62.24ft)
Draught (full load)00.80 Centimetres
Design ExteriorAlaa waress & the owner
Design Interior  Ann , owner & Alaa waress
Boat Maximum speedknots
Guests10 persons
Crew7 + Captain


02. Specifications

Length overall
35.00 metres (114.82 ft)
Beam overall (at hull)
06.00 metres (19.68 ft)
Beam overall (at hull)
08.00 metres (62.24ft)
Draught (full load)
0.80 Centimetre
Design Exterior
Alaa waress & the owner
Design Interior
Ann , owner & Alaa wares     
Boat Maximum speed
7 + Captain                       


03. Design

he essence of interior design will always be about people and how they live. It is about the realities of what makes for an attractive, civilized, meaningful environment, not about fashion or what's in or what's out. This is not an easy job. Be faithful to your own taste, because nothing you really like is ever out of style.

Form follows function — that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union. Innovation is often the ability to reach into the past and bring back what is good, what is beautiful, what is useful, what is lasting

04. Decor

The cabins are simple but stylish, equipped with a bathroom with private toilet. Each evening, dinner is provided on deck by candlelight under the stars. While on board, guests can spend time on the upper deck watching the landscape go buy, eat delicious dishes specially prepared by the chef or simply enjoy the joy of idlenes